So awesome! Thank you, Val!

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Beauty FULL post of feeling . One of my favorite quotes by dr. Vasant Lad is "Learning is Loving, and Loving is Learning"... if we can do both that is truly the path. Take sweet care

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Love this! Forever the student <3

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There are SO many more snakes this year!

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Yes! Glad it's not just me hah

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This resonates a lot, as I recently took a much needed trip to an Airbnb. Your words help me see I was tending to the external.

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Absolutely! I think sometimes tending one side vs the other may only take a day, or an entire season of life. It's interesting to lean in and see where they lead.

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I’m just coming out the other side of this. Shut my shop/stopped social media for 14 months…..found peace in my woods and healed deeper than ever before and I am emerging a completely changed person. It’s SO worth the worst of it. The clarity and simplicity of life now is all the Magick I ever needed 🫀🔥

Welcome to the other side where you get to create the life you never knew you wanted and is more magical than you ever dreamed!

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Thank you for the encouragement Emma! I feel like I'm just starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's been a very muddled seven months or so, not knowing what it is I was really walking towards. Reflecting on it, I think what you said, clarity, is what I truly was seeking. What a blessing something that simple can be!

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This has been happening to me, but not as intentionally. Thank you for leading.

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When this shift first started happening I don't think I was really aware of it at all. Only recently I think I've come to terms with understanding why I was experiencing so much resistance doing things I have done for so long, and being ok with that. It's definitely been a relief to realize that's ok. Best of luck on your own journey!

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