What a beautiful message to wake up to. Long time follower. ✨. I never thought of having kids…..same as you. But when it came to my mind it just felt right. Now I have the most beautiful 13 years old…and you are right. You can’t plan for any of it. It takes you places you never thought you would go and turns you into the most protective being on the planet…..for your child and this planet. Enjoy every minute. Enjoy the ride. And congrats on making a tiny human✨

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Emma, thank you so much for the kind words and for coming along on this journey with me over the years. It touched me greatly to know you had the same feelings that I did, and now to have a wonderful 13 year old! Blessings to you both. I'm so looking forward to seeing where this path takes me, wherever that may be.

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Congratulations Val and Hubby! Blessings from above and all around. You are such a gifted Earth Mother, your beautiful child will be blessed to have chosen you for their journey.

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Linda, thank you so much for the well wishes, they are much appreciated!

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What a blessed & synchronicitous experience to bring you beauty, courage, & affirmation in this new chapter. Congratulations to you & yours, and thank you for sharing with us :’)

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It was such a pure moment of connection it is difficult to describe! But indeed it was definitely an affirmation that all things are aligned in this moment. Thank you for the love :)

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Congratulations and blessings to you and your little one.

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Thank you Linda!

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Oh Val, I celebrate with you! Being a mama is the most fulfilling thing I have ever been blessed with- I am so excited for your journey! The synchronicity of seeing the Northern Lights for the first time now is such a beautiful story. Big love to you!

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Thank you Mary! You are such an inspiration to me, as are so many mamas, and I feel blessed to be able to join your ranks! It all feels like it was an inevitable path that was going to intersect with my plans. It's already been nothing like I expected, in honestly the best ways.

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Awe Val!!! I am so super stoked, to hear about your pregnancy! Life is so beautiful ❤️

Congrats to you, and your husband


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Thank you Candice! So much love back to you!

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Congratulations! I truly expected no less of a magical story from you. I was very salty I missed the Northern lights here in Virginia or maybe misunderstood what I was looking at haha. Wishing you and yours well!

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Yes, I was shocked to hear you could see them all the way down to Georgia! Though I definitely was surprised when I actually saw them, they were nothing like I expected. Thank you for the kind words as well :)

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Blessings to you on your pregnancy! The auroras- What a lovely metaphor to describe the experience. Stay well and happy.

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Thank you! They both have been nothing like I expected, but also more than I hoped for. Such a blessing indeed. Appreciate you being along on this journey my friend.

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Congratulations Val!!!! How beautiful it must be, to feel like a rose or the northern lights. And how magical, that it all comes full circle from your birth to your pregnancy. Enjoy preparing for the little one!

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Thank you Sara! It is incredible how cyclical everything feels now that I've entered this new phase. None of it is lost on me and I'm doing my best to soak it in. So grateful to have you along on this ride :)

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