Weekly lessons learned from living in the forest, making art, growing medicine, exploring folk traditions (particularly of Polish origin), and exploring our shared language with the cosmic world.
By Val Alcorn
· Over 6,000 subscribers
“Val writes WITH the Earth, bringing presence and curiosity into the intimate truths that are birthed from our relationship with Nature. She opens our awareness to the lessons that are dancing through the ecology, inspiring us to listen closely with the symphony of communion we are immersed within. I love tuning IN with how fellow plant folks receive Nature into their Wholeness. ”
“Every time I emerge from the den of this publication, I am leaving with a great gift. One that delivers to me the ancient wisdom of the land. Woven with the folklore of old and animistic medicine. Things once buried and forgotten seem to bubble up within the chambers of this space to find me, and remind me of the truly rich wisdom of the land, and how I may show up as a part of it. It is a space of remembrance and embodiment - merging once again with the body of the earth and stars. ”